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Who the hell are you

No one needs anyone
suck on a coke
suck on a pussy 
You're never gonna save those souls

Am I the most fucking fantastic freak you've ever seen?
Did I make you scream?
Fall flawless to the floor

did you get get everything you wanted
You're a fucking piece
invasion through my voice 
I am who I am,

You are who you are
Do what you do
Can you hear the bang bang

take your dress off
makes me feel metal
What a waste
too cheap for you to own me

No one ever could
Try a bitch instead
What a waste
I'm old and dead

gonna blind you until you see me
there is nothing you can do to stop the mad in me
someone's gonna die

Everyone is angry
And tonight I feel like someone's gonna die

Christ feast your eyes
on a bone

Baby made a bad bet
I think he got his face wet
I'm free, and that's me
I'll kick you when you're leaving

Stick to what you're good at little girl

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